How to Select All on Mac: A Quick and Easy Guide
Selecting all on macOS is a simple process, but there are a few important things to keep in mind before you start. Whether you have the latest MacBook or an older Mac, the ‘select all’ function works for all of them. This feature works for both text and files, making it a versatile tool for moving or copying large amounts of data.
Once you have selected everything, you have a few options for what you can do with the selected items. You can copy, paste, delete, or move the items to a new location. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to ‘select all’ on Mac:
Step 1: Open the appropriate window or tab. Before you press the necessary buttons, make sure to have the window, tab, or app you want to use this function with open on your screen.
Step 2: Select All items or text. With the relevant website, folder, etc open, press Command+A. You can also right-click and choose Select All from the contextual menu, or go to Edit > Select All in the main menu where this is an option.
Step 3: Deselect items. If you use this feature with a folder full of files and want to select everything except one or two files, you can Command-click to deselect the files you don’t want to select. Note that this doesn’t work if you’re selecting text.
This feature is incredibly simple but very useful. You can use it before using a number of other shortcuts. Command+C will copy everything, and you can then use Command+V to paste the selected items into a new folder. Delete will do as the key suggests and delete everything. Or, you can click the items and drag them to the desired folder or location.
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