Windows 11 has made a significant stride in handheld gaming with the launch of a new ‘compact mode’ for the Xbox app on PC. This new mode, introduced in the November update, streamlines the interface for smaller screens, specifically targeting handheld gaming devices running Windows, such as the Asus ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go. This update could have broader implications in terms of Microsoft’s future in the gaming market.
The compact mode collapses the sidebar into icons, freeing up screen real estate on compact displays like those found on various Windows-powered Steam Deck rivals. Microsoft is also working with device manufacturers to enable compact mode by default on gaming handhelds, optimizing the gaming experience for these devices.
This update is not only beneficial for gaming handhelds but could also be useful for gaming on smaller laptop screens or when connecting a PC to a large-screen TV for gaming. The introduction of compact mode could signify Microsoft’s commitment to improving the Windows gaming experience on handheld devices, with rumors of a potential handheld mode for Windows 11 circulating.
In addition to software updates, power-efficiency improvements to drive better battery life are also crucial for the success of Windows 11 portables. With these advancements, Windows 11 could become a more serious contender in the gaming market.
Overall, the new compact mode in the Xbox app marks a significant step in improving the gaming experience for Windows handheld devices and addressing criticisms related to UI and power efficiency.
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