Google is reportedly showing renewed interest in augmented reality (AR) glasses, according to hidden code found in the Google app for Android. The code makes reference to “iris” and launching Google Assistant with a tap on the right temple, suggesting the development of AI-powered spectacles. The codename for the project is Project Iris, which was briefly showcased at Google I/O in 2022 and demonstrated its ability to instantly translate spoken dialogue in foreign languages into text displayed before the user’s eyes. The project was assumed to be shelved but now appears to be back in consideration. While details about the capabilities of these AR glasses are limited, it is expected that they will offer more than just translation functionality, potentially incorporating a range of features similar to those offered by Google Assistant. The market for AR glasses continues to evolve, with Samsung and Google reportedly working on a mixed reality headset to compete with other products such as the Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro. This suggests that there may be a lightweight version of Google’s AR glasses in development as well.