Apple’s new Vision Pro headset may feature finger-pointer devices to enhance user interaction and control. A recent patent reveals Apple’s idea for finger controllers that connect to the headset and allow more accurate tracking of finger movements. These finger controllers resemble futuristic thimbles, but they serve a practical purpose in enhancing user experience while using the headset.

The proposed finger controllers would show a virtual trackpad on the Vision Pro’s display. With these controllers, users could have a more reliable way of interacting with the trackpad, as it would be mapped to a physical location in front of them. This would provide a more consistent and comfortable way of using the trackpad, much like using a solid surface for tracing shapes.

The addition of finger trackers suggests that Apple recognizes the need for more precision in the Vision Pro’s camera system for fine-grained work. With these controllers, activities such as digital painting and handwriting on the headset could become much more viable, expanding the device’s potential for various applications.

While the idea of finger controllers is just a patent at this point, it could signify Apple’s exploration of new ideas for improving the Vision Pro. This innovation could potentially make an appearance in the second-generation Vision Pro, offering a significant usability boost.

Overall, the introduction of finger-pointer devices in Apple’s Vision Pro headset is an interesting development that could enhance the user experience and expand the device’s capabilities in the future.