Apple has unveiled new MacBook Pros in a striking new color scheme called Space Black. The company appears to have addressed a common problem with dark finishes on its laptops ā fingerprint smudges. According to MacRumors, multiple tech outlets have confirmed that the new black finish is resistant to fingerprints. Lance Ulanoff, US editor-in-chief, commented that he could not leave fingerprints on the finish no matter how hard he tried. Other reviewers have also noted the lack of smudging, although some have mentioned that further real-world testing is needed to fully assess the anti-smudge capabilities.
While the reduction of fingerprint marks is a positive improvement, there are still concerns about the actual color of the Space Black. Some have noted that it appears more like a dark gray and may not be as deep or richly black as expected, although this perception may vary depending on lighting conditions and individual preferences. Another concern is the potential for chips and scratches to be more noticeable on darker finishes. However, it is too early to make definitive judgments about these issues as more time and testing are needed.
It is worth mentioning that the Space Black color option is not available for the base M3 model of the MacBook Pro, but only for those that use the faster M3 Pro and Max chips. Overall, the new MacBook Pros with the Space Black finish offer an improvement in fingerprint resistance, but further real-world testing will provide a clearer picture of its capabilities.
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